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High Cotton and Farmhouse Dreams

My Preacher Daddy would say to me, "Gal, you gotta find an outlet, something that you enjoy." His was fishing.  It took me 50 years, but I found it when I started blogging and junkin'.  It's been also 5 years since I've done it consistently.  Daddy was right about many things.

I spent last week cleaning, de-cluttering, selling, purging, organizing.  I spent this week  junkin', buying, painting, collecting and cluttering. So much for The Cozy Minimalist.

On Tuesday, I went to pick up some things from Amy at Farmhouse Dreams  She lives in a neighboring town, 55 miles from me, but worth the trip every time. I'll share my purchases next time.  They're still in the car with quite a few other items.  I take things out one at a know the mister.

She lives on what I call a country road.  It was a beautiful day, and I so enjoyed getting away from the noise and traffic.  I think I could hear the Falls from her driveway.  So peaceful. Even in the dead of winter, the sky was a magnificent blue!

Coming home, I stopped at a little shop in a neighboring town, High Cotton. I was surprised to find that they had moved into this adorable cottage-like farmhouse since I had last visited. 

 I was so disappointed. THEY WERE CLOSED! Gone to Market. Well, I just took a little look around...outside.

The website says this, 

Located in a charming 1875 New Orleans-style home (it looked Farmhouse to me) in historic downtown Manchester, High Cotton Vintage Home Furnishings stocks an eclectic mix of women's fashion, jewelry, home accents, seasonal decor, original art, candles, kitchen accessories and much more.

How tempting!

Urns filled with magnolia leaves, true southern style that I love!

A fabulous wrought-iron fence.

Amy shares the same love that I do for Jesus, family, and all things white and Farmhouse, the kind dreams are made of.  

Have a Great Weekend!



  1. Looks like an inviting Shoppe for sure and what a lovely drive to get there.
    I'm always up for a drive, any time of the year. :-)
    So good to see you in our blogging community again.

    Bless you~

  2. SO happy you found me and now I found you! You know I LOVE a good junkin' trip and story! I'll be back to see your findings! Blessings to you. Cindy

  3. Bonnie, I'm so glad you got a chance to take a drive in the country. I often take these drives, and it does a body good to get away from the crowds and noise once in awhile. This shop sounds charming. Love that porch swing. Maybe you can go back again when they're open. The picture of the country road is just wonderful.



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