Hello Spring! My sister-in-law made me this pretty wreath. I added the bird nest. It's been a beautiful week here in East Tennessee. Have you noticed that some words, thoughts, songs, titles of books seem to be the buzz for a certain period of time? Certain sayings, "buzz" words, #hashtagwhatever? A couple of years ago, I was trying to find a particular book about interior design. Amazoned-it and can you imagine the books out there on design? I was recently searching to find LaTan Roland Murphy 's most recent book, Courageous Women of the Bible . Of course, my mind new it was something about courage. Can you believe the books written in the last few years on Courage? (hers is my favorite!) The buzz word now in the decorating world is #minimalist. I'm still reading, Cozy Minimalist Home. (along with about 5 other books) Joshua Becker wrote in his book, More is Less , "Minimalism is
From Depression to Distressing