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Showing posts from November, 2018

Home and Heart Open Wide

Our home on Chandler Street was the neighborhood playground, and I was the only girl among a baseball team of boys.  On some summer days, my brother would get up early and go to the field with Daddy to pick peas and pull corn.  The chores had to be done first. Mama would say, "The quicker you get this corn shucked, the quicker, you can play."  So, all the boys in the neighborhood helped and we were done by lunch. We had an open-door policy in our home. Someone was always coming in or going out.  Calling with a turn of the knob, "Knock, Knock,"  and answered from wherever we were, "Come on in."  If anyone rang the doorbell or didn't say, "Knock, Knock," we knew it had to be someone we didn't know well.  Somewhere along the way, the world became a scarier place and we started locking our doors. Our family grew and we added a dining room with a big table and a big buffet.  Mama always said she wanted everyone in the family to be able to

Finding Home

Home is: 1.        A dwelling place, a place to live, a building, a region, a place we call “home.” 2.        Human connections, the relationships of those with whom we do life together. It was God’s intent and purpose from the beginning to dwell among man, to fellowship with him, to walk with him in the cool of the day. Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” This was to be his home, his dwelling place. It took me 55 years to leave home.   Most of you know my story.   I was a preacher man’s daughter.   I was born, raised, grew up in the same place.   The kids grew up in the same town.   We lived in a place where we knew almost everybody.   If we didn’t know them, we knew of them and could call them by name. The kids grew up.   The grand babies came. David’s job was not secure.   Plants were closing in an industry that he had worked 35 years in.   My parents were gone and we decided it was ti

Start and Move On

Today is a new beginning.  I've been lost in Blog Land and I still haven't found my way out. One day Blogger went a little crazy.  "You are not an author on any blogs."  Who stole my identity? White Lace and Promises, Vintage Girl 901 and The Upside of Down are still out there but, "Access Denied."  I tried starting with a new server and that didn't help either. I have decided to just start from where I am and move on. That's seems to be the theme of my life as it is now, "Start and move on." Yes, you heard it right.  START and move on.  Not STOP and move on.  I seem to do more starting and never finishing, more starting and moving. That's the "Upside of Down."  The lady in the basement, as my friend would call her, is out! I know myself.  I know when it's time to move on.  I know it's time when staying would be detrimental to my health, my family and to those I serve. When I've given all and there's nothing