Right now, I have about 10 books on my kitchen table. I've been so overwhelmed with feelings of darkness and despair that I've failed to see that there is a purpose in this season. It is in finding I AM that I am able to find who I am. While I am learning from HIM, I am continuing to consider the home. There's more that I will share in the days ahead, but today's message is simple. I'm scanning the book by Jen Scmidt, Just Open the Door. At the end of each chapter, she give practical suggestions, Tidbits to Elevate the Ordinary. These were some of my favorites. (I may or may not have shared a post like this before. It feels like I have.) Create a friendly and inviting front door area. Maybe even paint the front door. Put a new Spring wreath on the door. You've seen mine before. It says you're welcome. Personalize a message to your guests on a chalkboard. This is a simple on
From Depression to Distressing