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Vintage Girl 901 Opens Shop

Letting go of the past and looking toward the new year, I press on. 

As I was praying this week and seeking God for direction, I remembered the verse that seemed to resonate within me the first year that we moved here (Nashville).  It actually was paraphrased this way, "Father, I pause this morning and look to you.  Fan the flame within me.  Bring life to the gifts you have imparted to me that I am a living testimony of You."

I always thought that moving would open doors of ministry for me.  That he would use my gift to provide income.  Well, maybe it wasn't supposed to be that way or maybe it was.  Maybe I was exactly where HE intended for me to me.  I do know that He never wastes anything. To say what I'm trying to say, I've been consistently seeking God.  Not just his will, but HIM.  Of course, in my seeking Him, in the middle of my prayers for more of Him, I often cry out for my own wants. My prayer went from praise to, "God, can't you give me something that I love to do that is not stressful, does not require me to stand, stoop, bend or get tired and ache, and that I am excited to do everyday. Do I have to have a job that is all work?"  I was talking to Mr. H about my business with Mary Kay, "Why can't I succeed at this?  I know I can do this.  I know that I am passionate.  I know that God has gifted me with the gift to love and encourage others.  Why is it not working?" As I'm writing this I think, maybe that's the problem.  I think I can do this!  God wants me to get so utterly desperate that I know I can do nothing without HIM!  "It's not by might or power, but by my Spirit," says the Lord.   Hmm..."Bring life to the gifts that you have imparted to me...THAT I AM A LIVING TESTIMONY FOR YOU."  Once again, He's saying, "It's not about you!"  And I'm saying, "It's not about me.  It's not about me. It's not about me."  I'm writing it 100 timesI'm saying it 100 times.  I've even pressed REPLAY...NOOOO.  That's not it!  I don't get it by trying harder and repeating it over and over or playing it over and over in my mind.  It is only by HIS might and HIS spirit that I am a living testimony for HIM! Please someone tell me, I'm getting it! I've been around this mountain too many times, almost 40 years!  Yikes!  That's another story. 

Today, again I'm praying and seeking and looking at Facebook.  Really God can speak through anything.  Right!  Sure.  But seriously, I guess I wasn't praying.  Not really, but I had been.  I'm looking at Marketplace.  I'm constantly looking for a bargain.  Looking for something for nothing.  They don't call me "$5-Bonnie" for nothing.  I thought to myself... I miss my junking business.  I miss the interaction with people who like junk.  I like bringing old things to life and making new things look old.  I love creating spaces. So, I get up and start moving things around, the way I like to do when I get new ideas.  I organized my books, moved a cabinet, added a wreath, and of course took a picture. 

In just a few minutes, I had created a cozy little corner by moving things from here to there.  I loved it.  It was refreshing.  I know it's unfinished, but that's another moment of inspiration for another day.
I sat down again, to look for deals on Marketplace.  I bought a couple of items from Amy at IG @shopthekinsers AKA All Things Home.  Once again, my mind kicks into overdrive and I start thinking, "If I'm gonna buy something, I better sell something." I had already formed a stack of stuff to yard sale.  I listed them.  Before long, I had created a page for a business and had already sold 5 items.  

I'm trying not to let Ms. Mania out of the closet. 

No, seriously I know that I have a Creative God.  My Father, the Master Designer, the Creator put a little of that creativity in us all.  I'm testing the waters, as my Preacher Daddy would say.  I'm sticking my toe in the water.  God can do what He wants to do.  I've opened the shop.  I haven't bought the building yet, but I'm renting the space.  

These are some of my goods. 






When I reach my goal of 100 followers, I am giving away this set of pillows made by my friend, Sara at Welcome Home.  

God knows our needs and He has promised to supply them every one.  However, He chooses to do sothat is fine with me.  I joke and can be rather silly sometimes, but I truly desire to be a Living Testimony with the gifts He imparts.  Thank you for allowing me to share a few with you.


  1. I LOVE this!! You have such a great talent, an eye for beauty. High five, girl! If you were closer.....but I will still keep an eye out for your stuff :)
    God bless you, dear friend!


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