Simplicity... Is anything simple these days?!? I looked up synonyms for simplicity. I found anything but simple. Really? Explicitly, lucidity, perspicacity, perspicuous Seriously, I need a dictionary! Simplicity isn't simple anymore. I substituted a few years back. I found I am NOT "Smarter Than a 5th Grader." Seriously, new math is an even newer math! Not Simple. Sight words in Kindergarten? Shoot! In Kindergarten, my son was making laps around the racetrack to learn the number 8. Now, that's what I call simple. Maybe, it's just that I'm at a time in my life when I want simple, uncomplicated, peaceful living. Maybe it's because I'm older or maybe because the world is so complicated. Simpler days of my childhood included visiting my Granny and Grandaddy. They lived on a dirt road down two other dirt roads. A Bobbed-wire fence lined the property. A pond for fishing and swimming included a walk through the cow pasture. WARNING: No Running wi...
From Depression to Distressing